The Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library presents “The Election Collection”
*The event has already taken place on this date: Wed, 10/28/2020
Presidential elections, political parties, political topics of the 1960s. Learn about the presidential election of 1964 by analyzing and evaluating objects from the Johnson and Goldwater campaigns.
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The Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library presents “The Election Collection” - Wednesday, October 28th at 2pm
Presidential elections, political parties, political topics of the 1960s. Learn about the presidential election of 1964 by analyzing and evaluating objects from the Johnson and Goldwater campaigns. Make connections to other presidential elections through the National Archives platform. Register now!
*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.
Open House2970 Bronson Road
Fairfield, CT, 06824United States
See map: Google Maps
512-263-2885Contact name:
Linden Joiner
Email address:
The event has already taken place on this date:
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