High Expectations Aerial Arts | What’s happening in Memphis

High Expectations Aerial Arts

319 Cumberland Street
Memphis , TN , 38112
Phone: 805.464.1499
35° 8' 36.2544" N, 89° 58' 10.29" W
Contact name: 
Sarah Bolton
What our organization offers: 
Subjects / Categories: 
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate: 
We are proudly located in the heart of Memphis, TN and love to explore collaborations with arts organizations, individual artists, and community members to create unique and exciting performance experiences. Our studio offers drop-in classes, series, workshops, aerial-themed birthday and bachelorette parties, and live performances.
We have 8-week aerial arts series for kids age 6+ and we have a year-round youth program for kids who want additional performance and training opportunities.