Manners4Minors Online | What’s happening in Memphis

Manners4Minors Online

Manners4Minors offers Fun, Interactive, online lessons for kids aged 3-7 years, as well as being a great resource for parents.

The ten-week course (requiring minimum parent input and time) includes the following topics:

Introduction to the Puppets

- Magic Words

- Caring & Sharing

- Where are my Manners

- Whining & Nagging

- Building my Armies

- Me, Me, Me

- Good & Bad Secrets

- I'm Scared

- Piggy Bank

included in each lesson topic there is at least a 20-minute interactive video clip from Miss Manners as well as fun stories, songs, and printable worksheets.

For more information please visit

Appropriate ages: 
Early Elementary School
Virtual resource
Class Main Type: 
Resource Type: 
Learning resource (class, curriculum, online tutoring, lecture series, etc.)
Class Subject(s): 
Academic - General
There is a cost for this resource: 